52 Card Pickup

52 Card Pickup the Card Game

52 Card Pickup

52 Card Pick Up is a simple and chaotic card game often played for amusement. In this game, a standard deck of 52 playing cards is scattered face down on a surface, such as a table or floor. One player then volunteers or is selected to pick up the cards, often by sweeping them into a pile using a hand or a utensil. The objective is not to collect specific cards or form any particular combinations but rather to gather all the cards as quickly as possible. While it lacks strategic depth, 52 Card Pick Up is a lighthearted and entertaining activity often enjoyed for its fast-paced and unpredictable nature.

Achievements are awarded for picking up the card in order, same suit in a row, or by speed, or a combonation of those.

Note: This game is no longer available on current devices. If you would like this game to be ported to newer platforms, please contact us at [email protected]